Labour and Skills Shortages in the Personal and Household Services Sector in Europe - Joint Statement of PHS Social Partners - Action to Tackle Labour and Skills Shortages, October 2024
Towards a brighter future for the development of the domestic and home care sector across the world, Joint statement to the G7 leaders, June 2024.
Call for full transparency in the implementation of the European Care Strategy, Joint Statement, June 2024.
2024 Personal & Household Services Employment Monitor - Towards a sustainable and equitable future for care and help at home, May 2024.
Statement on La Hulpe Declaration, April 2024.
Time for an ambitious European Long-Term Care Platform, Joint Statement, April 2024.
Integrating Social and Health ambitions into the next EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029, joint letter to the European Council, Heads of State, Ministries of the Health, Social and Employment affairs of EU Member States, March 2024.
5 Recommendations towards a "Social Caring Europe": moving forward with the recognition of the PHS sector in the EU policymaking, EFSI Memorandum for the 2024 European elections, February 2024.
2023 European Semester cycle and EU economic governance review impact on PHS, January 2024.
EFSI contribution to the evaluation of the European Labour Authority mandate, December 2023 (PDF, 211 kb)
Building up European care capital: sustainable investments, not burdensome costs, joint statement of 17 European organisations on the first UN International Day of Care and Support, October 2023 (PDF, 200 kb).
EU Funding opportunities for PHS, February 2023 (PDF, 19 mb) - access restricted to members, connection to the intranet required to access it
EFSI's contribution to the Call for Evidence on strengthening social dialogue in the European Union, October 2022 (PDF, 172 kb)
PHS Social Partners statement on the European Care Strategy, September 2022 (PDF, 327 kb)
Personal and Household Services' support for Ukrainian refugees' integration, June 2022 (PDF, 224 kb)
Personal and Household Services: a key sector for the forthcoming European Care Strategy, May 2022 (PDF, 1 mb)
Joint recommendations for the European Care Strategy regarding migrant care providers and service users, March 2022 (PDF, 373 kb)
Tackling undeclared work in personal and household services, EFFAT, EFFE, EFSI and UNI Europa Joint Recommendations as follow-up of the European Platform tackling undeclared work seminar of March 10, 2022, March 2022, (PDF, 231 kb)
Comparative study on health and safety at work in the personal and household services sector, Amsterdam Fair Work and Equality Law Clinic, February 2022
EFFAT, EFFE, EFSI and UNI Europa Joint Statement on Eurofound's industrial relations landscape report, January 2022 (PDF, 194 kb)
Step up efforts towards decent work for domestic workers in the EU, 10th Anniversary of ILO Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189), C189 Alliance joint report (PDF, 2.1 mb). The report is also available in French, German, Polish and Spanish.
EFSI's contribution to the public consultation on the Green paper on ageing, April 2021 (PDF, 248 kb)
EFFE & EFSI Joint Statement on 2021 International Women's Rights Day: Fostering the development of PHS is necessary to build a Union of equality, March 2021 (PDF, 139 kb)
EFSI's contribution to the public consultation on EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work, February 2021 (PDF, 130 kb)
EFFAT - EFFE - EFSI - UNI Europa, Joint Statement on Personal and Household Services Workers Require Priority Access to COVID-19 vaccine, December 2020 (PDF, 186 kb)
European Pillar of Social Rights - Personal and Household Services (PHS): a key sector fo the future Action Plan, EFFE EFSI joint statement, October 2020 (PDF, 191 kb)
Innovation in Personal and Household Services, synthesis report of the 8th European Conference on personal and household services, June 2020 (PDF, 518 kb)
EFFAT - EFFE - EFSI - UNI Europa Joint Statement on the Covid-19 Pandemic in Personal and Household Services (PHS), April 2020
10 proposals for high, quality, accessible and affordable PHS, Memorandum for the newly elected MEPs and designated European Commissioners, June 2019, (PDF, 981 kb). The document is also available in French & Italian.
EFSI's contribution to the public consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the Structural Reform Support Program (SRSP) 2017-2020, May 2019 (PDF, 337 kb).
EFSI's contribution to the public consultation on gender equality, May 2019 (PDF, 438 kb).
Innovation in PHS, Results of a survey exploring the importance of innovation in past and future developments of the PHS sector, January 2019 (PDF, 292 kb). An infographic on the main results is available here.
A supportive VAT framework for the PHS sector, EFSI contribution to the discussions on the amendment of directive 2006/112/EC as regards VAT rates, October 2018 (PDF, 314 kb).
EFSI statement on the Commission proposal for a directive on transparent and predictable working conditions, August 2018 (PDF, 418 kb).
The United Nations Global Compact on Migration is a Key Opportunity to Recognise Rights of Migrant Domestic and Care Workers. Joint statement published on the occasion of the International Domestic Workers Day, June 2018 (PDF, 417 kb).
PHS Industry Monitor, Statistical overview of the personal and household services sector in the European Union, April 2018 (PDF,1.1 MB). An infographic on the main results is available here.
Personal and household services to the benefit of a better work-life balance, infographic, February 2018 (PDF, 203 KB)
Personal and household services in Europe: what new challenges for businesses?, synthesis report of the 7th European Conference on personal and household services, April 2017 (PDF, 531 kb)
EFSI's contribution to the public consultation on the reform of VAT rates, March 2017 (PDF, 233 kb)
European Pillar of Social Rights: EFSI contribution to the debate, December 2016 (PDF, 113 kb)
EFSI's contribution to the public consultation on the European Pillar of Social Rights, December 2016 (PDF, 271 kb)
Joint statement "Vote YES to strengthen Work-Life Balance opportunities for Europe's families", 6 September 2016 (PDF, 405 kb)
Joint call for EU action on Long-Term Care with special focus on Integrated Care, 10 March 2016 (PDF, 416 kb)
EFSI's contribution to the public consultation "Possible action to address the challenges of work-life balance faced by working parents and caregivers", February 2016 (PDF, 484 kb)
Report "PHS and work-life balance: what economic and social contribution to our future ?", verbatim report of the 6th European Conference on personal and household services, December 2015 (PDF, 6 mb)
EFSI's feedback to the roadmap "New start to address the challenges of work-life balance faced by working families", September 2015 (PDF, 398 kb)
EFSI's contribution to the public consultation "Equality between women and men in the EU", July 2015 (PDF, 433 kb)
Personal and household services: Key tools for work-life balance, November 2014 (PDF, 2.1 mb)
EFSI's contribution to the public consultation on the Europe 2020 Strategy, October 2014 (PDF, 531 kb)
10 Recommendations to the new EU leaders for the next five years, September 2014 (PDF, 252 kb)
Report "PHS: how to fully exploit their benefits for our societies?", verbatim report of the 5th European Conference on personal and household services, June 2014 (PDF, 2.1 mb)
Article "Public interventions' earn-back effects and the economic rationale of supporting the formal supply of personal and household services" (PDF, 2.1 mb)
European Manifesto for the development of personal and household services thourghout Europe (PDF, 313kb)
White book on personal and household services in ten EU Member States (PDF, 837 kb)
Letter to the European Commissionner for Taxations, Algirdas Šemeta, on reduced VAT rates (PDF, 223 kb)
Report « Why invest in employment ? The cost of unemployment “ in six EU Member States : Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden and the United-Kingdom. (PDF 1.5 MB,English, French and Spanish)
EFSI answer to the public consultation on exploiting the employment potential of personal and household services (PDF, 365 kb)
Personal services and ageing: proposal for a year of active ageing and solidarity among generations in 2012 (PDF, 331 kb)
EFSI answer to the public consultation on the application of State Aid rules to SGEI
(PDF, 440 kb)
EFSI answer to the public consultation on the new Europe 2020 strategy
(PDF, 540 kb)