Reconciling Work and Family Life
The COFACE (Confederation of family organisation in the European Union) launched a campaign to designate 2014 as the European Year for reconciling work and family life. Read more...
France : signature of the first collective bargaining agreement for personal and household services’ firms
On the 20th of September 2012, the trade unions employers (FEDESAP and FESP) and employees (CFTC, CFE-CGT et CFDT) representatives of the personal and household services (PHS) sector signed the national collective bargaining agreement of PHS’ firms. Read more...
EFSI answer to the public consultation on exploiting employment potential of personal and household services
EFSI answered to the public consultation launched by the European Commission on the 18th of April. Read more...
Personal services and ageing : proposal for a year of active ageing and solidarity among generations in 2012
By issuing three recommendations, the EFSI stresses the importance of personal services in an ageing population.Read more...
France : towards a collective bargaining agreement for personal services' firms
On the 23rd of January, the trade unions employers (FEDESAP and FESP) and employees (CFTC and CFE-CGC) representatives of personal services sector agreed on a national collective bargaining agreement.Read more...
EFSI answer to the public consultation on the application of State Aid rules to SGEI
The EFSI reacted at the public consultation launched by the European Commission concerning the revision of state aid rules applying to Social services of General Interest (SGEI).Read more...
Care4Care European Meeting
Join us on the 17th of April in Brussels to discuss the preliminary findings of the Care4Care project.Read more...