Largest-ever survey finds low pay makes Europe’s domestic and home care sector “unsustainable.”
Today, EFFAT, EFFE, EFSI & UNI Europa published the PHS Employment Monitor as part as their joint project PHSDialogue "Building an EU Sectoral Social Dialogue and collective bargaining capacity in Personal and Household Services".Read more...
EFSI releases its Statement on La Hulpe Declaration
EFSI welcomes the Declaration but regrets that it did not prioritize the care sector in the long-term policy agenda. Read more...
CARE4CARE European Meeting in Brussels
On the 17th of April 2024, the Care4Care Consortium partners will hold a European intermediate stakeholder event.Read more...
SilverEco & Ageing Well International Festival
EFSI is pleased to invite you to the world’s B2B professional event for Ageing Well innovation which will take place on the 16th and 17th of September 2024 in the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France. Secure now your place and submit your application to the SilverEco International Awards.Read more...
Advancing professionalisation
On 29 January 2024, PHS European social partners held an online workshop on good practices for improving the professionalisation of the domestic & homecare workforce. The workshop was organized under the framework of PHSDialogue Project.Read more...
5 RECOMMENDATIONS TOWARDS A 'SOCIAL CARING EUROPE': Moving forward with the recognition of the PHS sector
In view of the 2024 European elections, EFSI issued a set of recommendations on PHS addressed to the next designated EU Commissioners and MEPs.Read more...
Share your story!
Take part in the first ever Europe-wide survey of workers, users, and employers in the personal and household services sector. Let's make care and help at home better for all! Read more...