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PHS employers capacity-building activities launched

On 11 October, EFSI held its first internal employers meeting under the framework of PHSDialogue project.

Firstly, the event focused on presenting the main objectives and activities under the PHSDialogue project, highlighting the relevance of Work Package 4 which will be led by EFSI. More specifically, the Work Package 4 will focus on how to strengthen employers organisation in PHS, build capacity on the employers’ side at national level as well as create a capacity-building toolkit for employers’ organisations.

Subsequently, experiences on the state of play of employers and business organisations in social dialogue were shared. The Italian and Belgian members provided an overview of their respective national scenarios, followed by an open discussion on challenges and strategies in raising employers’ capacity in PHS.

Lastly in preparation for the 1st working group of PHS social partners, EFSI members had the opportunity to discuss national trends on how to tackle labour shortages in the sector across Europe.