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8th European Conference on PHS



The 8th edition of the European Conference on personal and household services was co-organised by the Consultative Commission on Industrial Change (CCMI) of the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Federation for Services to Individuals (EFSI) on 29 January 2019 in Brussels.

The key word of this edition was innovation. Following a presentation of the results of a survey conducted by EFSI on this topic, participants discussed innovatives practices in the sector and how public authorities can support best innovation in the sector. Therefore, debates focused on the impact of new digital technologies on the sector and in particular when it comes to home care services and online platforms. Participants also discussed the issues raised by current statistical categories for estimates on the sector and how these estimates could be improved in the near future. The last panel explored the various risks faced by PHS workers and in particular dangerous substances related risks, as well as the innovative solutions that could be applied to tackle them. 



Conference's highlights



Aurélie Decker (EFSI) - presentation on innovation

Dirk Jarré  (CCMI/EURAG)

Dr. Malcom Fisk (De Montfort University)

Didier Humbert (Ogust)

Irene Mandl (Eurofound)

Michael Harty (Home Care Direct)

Thorkild Holmboe-Hay (3F)

Aurélie Decker (EFSI) - introductory remarks 2nd panel

Jean-François Lebrun (PHS expert / European Commission)

Michael Mietzner (Eurostat)

David Hunter (StatClass Sàrl)

Asel Kadyrbaeva (EASPD)

Lothar Lieck (Eu-OSHA)

Ana Catalina Ramirez (ILO)

Grace Papa (IDWF)

Liesbet Everaert (Start People Services)


A synthesis report will be published in the Spring 2019.

For more information about the event, please feel free to contact us at