Until Spring 2021, only eight EU Member States have ratified the ILO Convention on decent work for domestic workers. The issue of improving domestic and care workers' rights remains more than ever a topical issue. This is why a new alliance of organisations has been formed to work together and acknowledge this important milestone by organising a multi-stakeholder conference on the ILO C189, ten years after its adoption.
The online event, held on June 28-29, 2021, outlined practices and policies to enhance the situation of personal and household services workers.
The agenda is available for download in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish.
Recordings and presentations
The recordings and speakers' PowerPoint presentations are now available to all for a later viewing.
Monday 28 June 2021
Tuesday 29 June 2021
- Panel 4 - Digital platforms and domestic workers' rights (10:45 - 11:45)
- Panel 5 - Domestic workers & migration (13:15 - 14:30)
The various links shared by pannelists and attendees during the event (in the chat box) have been collected in this document.
C189 Alliance joint report
On the occasion of the conference, the C189 Alliance published a joint providing an overview of the main challenges faced by the domestic work sector while allowing some organisations and researchers to highlight their ongoing work.
It is meant to be complemented by the ILO Global Study “Making decent work a reality for domestic workers: Progress and prospects ten years after the adoption of the Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No. 189)”, and the discussions held during the online event and provides many references for more in-depth reading.
The report highlights the spirit of cooperation amongst alliance partners and lays the groundwork for tangible changes in the future that will benefit workers.
The report is available in 5 languages:
Joint letters
On the 10th Anniversary of the ILO Domestic Workers Convention, 2011 (No.189), the EU-wide alliance has written to the governments of EU countries that have so far failed to write the agreed measures into national laws. The convention, which was adopted by governments at the International Labour Organization in 2011, is yet to be written into law in over half of EU Member States.
- Letters to Austria (here & here)
- Letter to Bulgaria
- Letter to Croatia
- Letter to Cyprus
- Letter to Czech Republic
- Letters to Denmark (here & here)
- Letters to Estonia (here & here)
- Letter to Greece
- Letter to Hungary
- Letter to Latvia (here & here)
- Letter to Lithuania
- Letter to Luxembourg (here & here)
- Letter to the Netherlands
- Letter to Poland (here & here)
- Letter to Romania
- Letter to Slovenia
- Letter to Slovakia
- Letter to Spain